Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Jordan has started up a business.

He took greeting cards with his photos on and some perler bead ornaments to a homeschool craft fair and sold them. (Well, sometimes, I sold them while he played. I get to be an unpaid employee. That's what Mom's are for.)

People bought his cards. Mostly adults, all of whom had encouraging things to say about his photography. Jordan was very happy, though he's still far in the red and we will need to look for new places for him to sell his stuff.

It's been a great learning experience for him so far. Especially choosing the photos and seeing who bought what. He included a picture of the Temple in Ocean Park. It's a good picture, but I didn't think it would sell since the customers wouldn't have a connection to the place. It was the first one bought. Hmmm.

A boy bought a picture of a cannon. A rocky waterscape was a favorite. Overall, he made good choices.

It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds and where it takes him. I am glad to share his journey.

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